Our Services

List of services that we are offering.

Shoulder Abduction Brace

Shoulder abduction brace is ideal for the management of post operative condition and post traumatic condition such as stable healing fracture. It covers the shoulder and arm; the brace is fastened to the body through straps. Easy to wear and allows restricted mobility for faster recovery.

Humerus Brace

Humerus brace mainly stabilises the fractures occurring in the upper arm. This brace promotes the range of motion in the forearm and hand, making doing daily activities independently possible. Healing of the fracture is achieved by circumferential compression provided by the brace.

Elbow Range of Motion Brace (ROM)

This brace is indicated in conditions where slow and gradual stretching of muscles and movement is needed such as in flexible muscle contracture and stable fracture. Universal design allows it to be used on most of the patients and for multiple orthopedic problems.

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